Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just another day... At the Home.

So today at work was just same old/same old.. Nothing special about it, nothing unique, and nothing that would make me remember that "That" happened last Wednesday...

And Then......... 9 pm rolled around...and I was asked to help out in giving a woman a catheter for a urine sample... I've done hundreds of male catheters... but never one on a woman....

Now really, I don't know what the male body is like for women... I can't imagine it holds any mystique... I mean what do you have?.. A penis, a couple of Testicles  and a stomach... That's pretty much it... But for us guys, the female body is all about mystery.. We spend a great portion of our growing up years just trying to even get a proper glimpse of one let alone, knowing what makes them tick... Women's "Stuff" is all tucked away and hidden... Some parts are even more shrouded in Myth and Mystery than UFO's and The Loch Ness monster combined{*Cough... "G" spot} and as guys... We are Ok with that...the mystery is just a part of the amazing package that is "Woman".....

However.... as I helped in this catheterization, by holding the left Leg/Foot.. In case she kicked and watching this process, it occurred to me that after living 2 years in South America as a young man, where it was not unusual to see boobs sometimes daily, later watching  3 kids being born... and years of dressing seniors and changing adult incontinence devices . That this was the final nail in the coffin... The mystery was gone.... It's like when I was a kid and I found out there was no Santa, or Easter Bunny... Or True Love.

I walked away, not so much having grown up, but more like having grown older... The word "Gigidy" has perhaps left my vocabulary forever, I'll never be a Glenn Quagmire, or a Don Juan... If I get an invite to Hugh Hefner's mansion... I'll most likely give it to someone who will actually care.... While I sit in my comfortable chair.. watching Netflix and eating whatever it is that old disillusioned men eat..

Perhaps I will adopt a bunch of cats and become knows as "The Crazy Cat Man", or I'll get a bunch of dogs too and people can just call me "That insane dude with all the animals.."

And every once in a while... when I'm watching a movie, and they show some gratuitous nudity... I'll sit back and think... "Hey. remember when I used to think that was cool?"

And I'll answer myself... "Yes, yes I do, but for the life of me, I can't remember why".

Until the next call bell..

Peace Kiddies